Will there still be a fossil show event in 2021?
We certainly hope that this year we will be able to organize a show for fossils again.
The fossil show was planned for April 10th & 11th, 2021.
This date has been in the preliminary planning for a year.
Despite the opening debate, the current development of the pandemic leaves far less room than hoped.
From the current perspective, a complete opening of the lockdown for the Easter holidays is rather unlikely.
No planning security and many unanswered questions for our Fossil Show 2021.
This has been the new normal in the cultural and event sector for over a year.
It is still completely unclear which requirements will come when trade fairs are possible again. There will certainly be a mask requirement.
- There will certainly be a mask requirement.
- Will negative corona tests be mandatory for the participants in the Fossil Show event ? *
- How will data processing according to the Corona Regulation be regulated this year?
- How many participants are admitted per square meter?
- How will are quartile regulation and travel restrictions affecting our event ?
Already last year we all had to live without the main fossil event of the year.
The Fossil show is more than just a fossil fair. We realised this even more by now.
That is why we tried everything in 2020 to make this fossil culture event possible. The rule date 2020 coincided with the time of the first lockdown.
And just in time for the alternative date, the second lockdown followed after the summer months.
As much as we look forward to seeing our collectors, dealers and scientists again: From the current perspective is a Fossil Show 2021 unlikely.
We will still try to make a fossil show possible.
However, this must also be practicable and, above all, safe for everyone involved.